m0_72493770 2024-10-15 23:23
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Abaqus: SIM database file cannot be opened


The job "my_first_abaq" has been created.
The job input file "my_first_abaq.inp" has been submitted for analysis.
Job my_first_abaq: Analysis Input File Processor completed successfully.
Error in job my_first_abaq: SIM database file cannot be opened - Assertion Failure: status == SMAString::e_GOOD (code 300): C:\Windows\System32\my_first_abaq.sim
Job my_first_abaq: Abaqus/Standard aborted due to errors.
Error in job my_first_abaq: Abaqus/Standard Analysis exited with an error - Please see the message file for possible error messages if the file exists.
Job my_first_abaq aborted due to errors.

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