duan89197 2016-04-21 07:20
浏览 47


Currently I am trying to get all function parameters with regex for templating. The function parameters will be much like PHP compitable.

So here is the sample text needed to be parsed:

"test", 'test2', $test3, ?"%A %d %B %Y", "foo,bar,foobar"

This needed to be parsed to:

    '?"%A %d %B %Y"',

I found this pattern but. When it has commas (,) in between double quotes it splits them too.


The result of this pattern is:

    ' \'test2\'',
    ' $test3',
    ' ?"%A %d %B %Y"',
    ' "foo,',

I am not very good with regex patterns. I can achieve basic things with it but I couldn't find a way to achieve this.

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  • duanquan1207 2016-04-21 07:30

    Your regex does not handle many things, and one of them is the double quoted value after a space. As the beginning has no optional whitespace pattern, the last alternative triggers, and stops at a comma.

    You can use the following regex:


    See the regex demo, and grab Capture Group 1 values.

    Here is an IDEONE demo:

    $re = '~\s*("[^"\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^\\\\"]*)*"|\'[^\'\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^\\\\\']*)*\'|[^,]+),?~'; 
    $str = "\"test\", 'test2', \$test3, ?\"%A %d %B %Y\", \"foo,bar,foobar\""; 
    preg_match_all($re, $str, $tokens);

    Pattern explanation:

    • \s* - zero or more whitespaces
    • ("[^"\\]*(?:\\.[^\\"]*)*"|'[^'\\]*(?:\\.[^\\']*)*'|[^,]+) - either of the 3 alternatives:
      • "[^"\\]*(?:\\.[^\\"]*)*" - double quoted strings (supporting escaped sequences)
      • | - or
      • '[^'\\]*(?:\\.[^\\']*)*' - single quoted strings (supporting escaped sequences)
      • | - or
      • [^,]+ - 1+ characters other than a comma
    • ,? - an optional comma (? - one or zero occurrences)
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