dqpkea9486 2016-04-14 15:57
浏览 148


I'm a newbie Yii2 developer. I've started to create my own website based on Basic Yii2 template. And after creating registration and authorization logic I ran into some issues.

  1. I create new user. It's added to User table into my db right as it should.
  2. I go to login page and Log in with all needed information. It works too.
  3. But when it log me in it redirects me with $this->goHome() method. By default it's actionIndex in my SiteController and this page is still denied by rules.

My DB scheme is:

$this->createTable('user', [
        'id' => Schema::TYPE_PK,
        'username' => Schema::TYPE_STRING . ' NOT NULL',
        'email' => Schema::TYPE_STRING . ' NOT NULL',
        'password_hash' => Schema::TYPE_STRING . ' NOT NULL',
        'role' => Schema::TYPE_SMALLINT . ' NOT NULL',

I set my identity class:

'user' => [
    'identityClass' => 'app\models\User',
    'enableAutoLogin' => true,

My User class extends ActiveRecord and implements IdentityInterface.

public function getId()
    return $this->id;
public static function findIdentity($id)
        ->where(['id' => $id])

SiteController behavior method:

public function behaviors()
    return [
        'access' => [
            'class' => AccessControl::className(),
            'rules' => [
                    'allow' => true,
                    'roles' => ['@'],
                    'actions' => ['login'],
                    'allow' => true,
                    'roles' => ['?']
            'denyCallback' => function ($rule, $action) {
                echo 'DENIED ACTION: ' . $action->actionMethod;
                echo ' IS GUEST: ' . Yii::$app->user->isGuest;
                echo ' SESSION IS: ' . Yii::$app->user->enableSession;
        'verbs' => [
            'class' => VerbFilter::className(),
            'actions' => [
                'logout' => ['post'],

As you can see I've done some var_dumps in my denyCallback function. After I'm logged in it says:

  • "Why is isGuest attribute set to 1 even when I'm logged in as user?
  • "How can I fix my access logic?

Also here's some logs: After login i have: SELECT * FROM "user" WHERE "username"='Test' After redirect with goHome(): SELECT * FROM "user" WHERE "id"=1

And in session there's an Id: __id 1 Finally if I change my guests' rule to :

    'actions' => ['login', 'index'],
    'allow' => true,
    'roles' => ['?']

it shows me the page I need

Let me know if I should provide more information. Thanks in advance.

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