doqp87012 2016-02-11 18:03
浏览 53


So I am working on an existing codebase and the function takes each row from a csv, formats the data and then inserts it into the db. This whole process takes about ~20 minutes with the rows in the CSV. However if I keep everything the same and remove the line that actually does the database entry

$this->db->replace('my_table', $myObject);

The whole code runs in about 2 seconds. So I am wondering is it possible to store all of the objects and then assign them all to the DB at once? I am thinking of doing 1 sql call instead of thousands and thousands. Thoughts ?

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  • dream07769 2016-02-11 19:57

    Have you looked into insert_batch() ? See Documentation here.

    You can parse your csv and build an array like this

    $insert_array = array();
    foreach($myCSV as $item)
         $insert_array[] = array('db_field1' => $item->value1, 
                                 'db_field2' => $item->value2);
    $this->db->insert_batch('mytable', $insert_array);

    This will run a query whitch looks like this :

    INSERT INTO mytable (db_field1, db_field2) VALUES ('item1value1', 'item1value2'),  ('item2value1', 'item2value2'); 



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