Hello I am trying to build my first restful web service and im using the instruction from lorna jane mitchell blog.
If the req comes through this Url : http://localhost:8888/lorna/index.php/tree/getpath?node_id=75 i call the function getpath passing node_id The function get path looks like this :
class NestedSet
public function getPath($id) {
$sql = "SELECT p." . $this->pk . ", p." . $this->name . " FROM ". $this->table . " n, " . $this->table . " p WHERE n.lft BETWEEN p.lft AND p.rgt AND n." . $this->pk ." = " . $id . " ORDER BY p.lft;";
$result = $this->db->query($sql);
if ($result->num_rows == 0) {
return $this->error(1, true);
$path = array();
$i = 0;
while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
$path[$i] = $row;
return $path;
Now i want to pass this variable $path to the class JsonView that looks like this :
class JsonView extends ApiView {
public function render($path) {
header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf8');
echo json_encode($path);
return true;
class ApiView {
protected function addCount($data) {
if(!empty($data)) {
// do nothing, this is added earlier
} else {
$data['meta']['count'] = 0;
return $data;
Any Idea on how can I pass the variable $path or any other variable through this JsonView Class. Thank you very much for your time :)
UPDATE This is the code for creating the nested class object
public function getAction($request) {
$data = $request->parameters;
if(isset($request->url_elements[2])) {
switch ($request->url_elements[2]) {
case 'getpath':
$id = $data['node_id'];
$nested = new NestedSet();
$api = new JsonView();
# code...
} else {
$nested = new NestedSet();
echo $nested->treeAsHtml();