I have a drop zone on a page which shows photos successfully uploaded to server once they are added to the drop zone. each photo has a class called uploaded holding each separate photo inside of it. Once the image is uploaded I need each photo to have an input field showing next to it allowing a user to add tags to each photo. Once they type tags which will be comma delimited in the input field they will be able to click submit. At that point the function called
will be called and the tags will be added to the photo based on the file name. I am having trouble figuring out the most professional way to do this,
I was thinking of creating a form with all hidden fields adding the name of the field with a value holding the file name. This would be easy to obtain the file name and tags with ajax. Please show me how something like this would be done professionally.
This is the JS which allows and loops through showing the uploaded files,
// Initialize the jQuery File Upload plugin
// This element will accept file drag/drop uploading
dropZone: $('#drop'),
// This function is called when a file is added to the queue;
// either via the browse button, or via drag/drop:
add: function (e, data) {
var tpl = $('<li class="working uploaded"><input type="text" value="0" data-width="48" data-height="48"'+
' data-fgColor="#0788a5" data-readOnly="1" data-bgColor="#3e4043" /><p></p><span></span></li>');
// Append the file name and file size
.append('<i>' + formatFileSize(data.files[0].size) + '</i>');
// Add the HTML to the UL element
data.context = tpl.appendTo(ul);
// Initialize the knob plugin
// Listen for clicks on the cancel icon
// Automatically upload the file once it is added to the queue
var jqXHR = data.submit();
So the filename is returned for each file that is uploaded in the drop zone like this,
Now how would I create form in this JS function adding the name to each hidden form field for each file uploaded and add a text input field allowing entry of tags for the pictures.
essentially i'm looking for a way to add a form like this,
<form onSubmit="addTags();return false;">
<input type="hidden" name="imgName" value="var imgName" id="imgName">
<input type="text" name="tags" palceholder="add tags seperated by ," id="tags">
<input type="submit" name="login" value="Add Tags" class="submit" id="adTags"/>
addTags() function
function addTags(){
type: 'POST',
url: 'data/add_tags.php',
data: "&tag_type_id=" + $('#tag_type_id').val() + "&tag_target_name=" + $('#tag_target_name').val() +
"&tag_target_url=" + $('#tag_target_url').val() + "&tags=" + $('#tags').val(),
success: function(response){
if(response === 'error'){
$('.messageText').append('Please add tags seperated by commas');
$(".messageImage").append('<img src="images/error.png" height="50" width="50">');
else {
$('.messageText').append('Your tags have been added.');
$(".messageImage").append('<img src="images/success.png" height="50" width="50">');
AJAX makes call to this php function,
//Include files
$tag_type_id = $_POST['tag_type_id'];
$tag_target_name = $_POST['tag_target_name'];
$tag_target_url = $_POST['tag_target_url'];
$tags = $_POST['tags'];
/*** begin with some validation ***/
if(!isset($_POST['tag_type_id'], $_POST['tag_target_name'], $_POST['tag_target_url'], $_POST['tags']))
/*** if no POST is submited ***/
$msg = 'Please Submit a tag';
elseif(filter_var($_POST['tag_type_id'], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array("min_range"=>1, "max_range"=>100)) == false)
/*** if tag is too short ***/
$msg = 'Invalid Tag Type';
elseif( strlen($_POST['tag_target_url']) == 0 )
/*** if tag is too long ***/
$msg = 'Tag target is required';
elseif( strlen($_POST['tags']) == 0 )
$msg = 'Tag Required';
elseif( strlen($_POST['tag_target_name']) == 0 )
$msg = 'Tag Name is too short';
elseif( strlen($_POST['tag_target_name']) > 30 )
$msg = 'Tag Name is too long!';
/*** if we are here, all is well ***/
$tag_type_id = filter_var($_POST['tag_type_id'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
$tag_target_url = filter_var($_POST['tag_target_url'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
$tag_target_name = filter_var($_POST['tag_target_name'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
$tags = filter_var($_POST['tags'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
addTags($tag_type_id, $tag_target_name, $tag_target_url, $tags);
$msg = 'Tag Type Added!';
php function is defined in a class like this,
function addTags($tag_type_id, $tag_target_name, $tag_target_url, $tags){
/*** explode the tag string ***/
$tag_array = explode(',', $tags);
/*** loop of the tags array ***/
foreach( $tag_array as $tag_name )
/*** insert tag into tags table ***/
$tag_name = strtolower(trim($tag_name));
$databaseQuery = "INSERT IGNORE INTO tags (tag_name ) VALUES ('$tag_name')";
//Execute database query
/*** get the tag ID from the db ***/
$databaseQuery = "SELECT tag_id FROM tags WHERE tag_name='$tag_name'";
$result = executeDatabase($databaseQuery);
$tag_id = mysqli_num_rows($result);
/*** now insert the target ***/
$databaseQuery = "INSERT INTO tag_targets
(tag_id, tag_target_name, tag_target_url, tag_type_id)
('$tag_id', '$tag_target_name', '$tag_target_url', '$tag_type_id')";