仿真鸟群 相关问题,我尝试着去写了仿真鸟群的代码,但在避障功能部分有很大的问题, 我不太懂问题出在哪里或者怎么优化,有人能帮帮我吗? 我是用vscode的jupyter notebook实现的. 可以私信我详细的解决方案,好多机器人.
# =============================================================================
# Importing Packages
# =============================================================================
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from IPython.display import display, clear_output
import matplotlib.animation as animation
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
from IPython.display import HTML
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
# =============================================================================
# Parameters
# =============================================================================
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Birds
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
N = 25 # Number of birds
bird_speed = 1.0 # Ideal constant speed of birds
bird_speed_max = 1.0 # Maximum speed of birds
R_bird = .8 # Bird-Bird neighbour view radius
R_min = .3 # Bird-Bird minimum distance to maintain
R_obs = 3.0 # Bird-object view radius
# Migration vector goal
goal_angle = np.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi) # Random angle in [0, 2π)
goal_x = np.cos(goal_angle)
goal_y = np.sin(goal_angle)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 'Mixing' parameters
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# These are weights for the different contributions to the bird's velocity
lam_c = .3 # Centering weight
lam_a = .7 # Avoidance weight
lam_m = .4 # Matching weight
lam_g = .2 # Migratory weight
# The obstacle velocity weight is calculated dynamically
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Time & Space
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
L = 10 # Size of box (Area of a wind farm)
dt = 0.1 # Time step
Nt = 200 # No. of time steps
# =============================================================================
# Obstacle Functions
# =============================================================================
def make_circular_obstacle(x_centre, y_centre, R, n=20):
Returns x,y points defining a circular obstacle
angles = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, n)
x = x_centre + R*np.cos(angles)
y = y_centre + R*np.sin(angles)
return x, y
def make_rectangular_obstacle(x_centre, y_centre, L1, L2, n=25):
Returns x,y points defining a rectangular obstacle
# Number of points per side
points_per_side = n // 4
# Half lengths for width and height
l1 = L1 / 2
l2 = L2 / 2
# Corners of the rectangle
top_left = [x_centre - l1, y_centre + l2]
top_right = [x_centre + l1, y_centre + l2]
bottom_left = [x_centre - l1, y_centre - l2]
bottom_right = [x_centre + l1, y_centre - l2]
# Initialize lists for x and y points
x_points = []
y_points = []
# Generate points along each side
# Top edge (left to right)
x_points.extend(np.linspace(top_left[0], top_right[0], points_per_side))
y_points.extend([top_left[1]] * points_per_side)
# Right edge (top to bottom)
x_points.extend([top_right[0]] * points_per_side)
y_points.extend(np.linspace(top_right[1], bottom_right[1], points_per_side))
# Bottom edge (right to left)
x_points.extend(np.linspace(bottom_right[0], bottom_left[0], points_per_side))
y_points.extend([bottom_left[1]] * points_per_side)
# Left edge (bottom to top)
x_points.extend([bottom_left[0]] * points_per_side)
y_points.extend(np.linspace(bottom_left[1], top_left[1], points_per_side))
return x_points, y_points
def get_obstacle_centre_grid(L, num_obstacles, nrows, ncols):
Define the centre of obstacles based on a grid.
x_spacing = L / (ncols + 1)
y_spacing = L / (nrows + 1)
x_centres = []
y_centres = []
# Calc grid positions
cnt = 0
for i in range(nrows):
for j in range(ncols):
if cnt > num_obstacles:
# Calculate centre positions
x_centre = (j + 1) * x_spacing
y_centre = (i + 1) * y_spacing
cnt += 1
return x_centres, y_centres
def get_obstacles(L, num_obstacles, nrows, ncols):
Call the obstacle functions and get lists of their x, y points
x_centres, y_centres = get_obstacle_centre_grid(L, num_obstacles, nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols)
# Initalise lists
x_obstacle_list = []
y_obstacle_list = []
for i in range(num_obstacles):
# Make circular obstacles
x_obs, y_obs = make_circular_obstacle(x_centres[i], y_centres[i], R=0.25, n=20)
# Make rectangular obstacles
# x_obs, y_obs = make_rectangular_obstacle(x_centres[i], y_centres[i], L1=1, L2=0.2, n=25)
# Concatenate lists for analysis
x_obstacle = np.concatenate(x_obstacle_list)
y_obstacle = np.concatenate(y_obstacle_list)
return x_obstacle_list, y_obstacle_list, x_obstacle, y_obstacle
# =============================================================================
# Helper Functions
# =============================================================================
def normalise(v):
Normalise a vector to length 1
v (numpy array): A vector.
norm_v: The normalised vector.
norm = np.linalg.norm(v)
if norm == 0:
return v
norm_v = v / norm
return norm_v
def distance(u, v):
Calculate the Euclidean distance between two vectors.
u (numpy array): First vector.
v (numpy array): Second vector.
distance: The Euclidean distance between the two vectors.
distance = np.linalg.norm(u - v)
return distance
# =============================================================================
# Bird Functions
# =============================================================================
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Initialise Birds
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def flock_random(N, L, bird_speed):
Set initial positions, direction, and velocities
# Bird positions are randomly distributed within the square area of side L
x = np.random.rand(N, 1)*L
y = np.random.rand(N, 1)*L
# Bird directions are uniformly distributed across a full 360 degree range
theta = 2 * np.pi * np.random.rand(N, 1)
# Bird start with the same speed but acorss uniform range of directions
vx = bird_speed * np.cos(theta)
vy = bird_speed * np.sin(theta)
return x, y, vx, vy
def flock_uniform(N, L, bird_speed):
Set initial positions as a uniform placement starting at the edge of the box.
Set direction and velocity to be uniform with a small amount of noise
# Set bird initial flock as a square
N_per_side = int(np.sqrt(N))
# Midpoint of area
midpoint = L//2
# Define the x locations (start in centre of perimeter)
half_length = N_per_side // 2
start = midpoint - half_length
x_locs = np.arange(start, start + N_per_side)
# Define the y locations (start from bottom)
y_locs = np.arange(0, N_per_side)
# Define bird starting points
# Initialise lists
x = []
y = []
for x_loc in x_locs:
for y_loc in y_locs:
# Turn into numpy arrays
x = np.array(x, dtype=float)
y = np.array(y, dtype=float)
# Bird Angle
# Make all birds same starting angle
theta = 2 * np.pi * np.random.rand(N, 1)
# Bird velocities
vx = bird_speed * np.cos(theta)
vy = bird_speed * np.sin(theta)
return x, y, vx, vy
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Find Neighbours
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def proximity_lists(i, x, y, R_bird, R_min):
The function finds the neighbouring and too close birds for a specific bird
# Compute distances from bird "i" to all other birds
distances = np.sqrt((x - x[i])**2 + (y - y[i])**2)
# Define the set of neighbours that the bird can see
neighbours = np.where(distances <= R_bird)[0]
# Define the set of birds that are too close
too_close = np.where(distances <= R_min)[0]
# Excluding the bird itself
neighbours = neighbours[neighbours != i]
too_close = too_close[too_close != i]
return neighbours, too_close
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Centre Velocity - Move towards the centre of the flock
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def centre_vel(i, x, y, neighbours):
# If there are no neighbors, no center-of-mass contribution
if len(neighbours) == 0:
return 0, 0
# Compute center of mass of neighbors
com_x = np.mean(x[neighbours])
com_y = np.mean(y[neighbours])
# Compute the vector pointing towards the center of mass
direction_to_com = np.array([com_x - x[i][0], com_y - y[i][0]])
# Normalize the vector
normalized_direction = normalise(direction_to_com)
# Extract the components
centre_vx, centre_vy = normalized_direction
return centre_vx, centre_vy
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Avoidance Velocity - avoid colissions with to align with other birds
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def avoid_vel(i, x, y, too_close):
# If there are no birds too close, no avoidance needed
if len(too_close) == 0:
return 0, 0
# Initialize avoidance velocity components
avoid_vx = 0
avoid_vy = 0
# Compute avoidance velocity contributions
avoid_vx = (x[i][0] - x[too_close][0])
avoid_vy = (y[i][0] - y[too_close][0])
# Normalize the avoidance vector to ensure a unit direction
normalised_avoidance = normalise(np.array([avoid_vx, avoid_vy]))
# Extract the components
avoid_vx, avoid_vy = normalised_avoidance
return avoid_vx, avoid_vy
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Matching Velocity - match velocity to align with neighbours
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def match_vel(i, vx, vy, neighbours):
# Check if there are no neighbors
if len(neighbours) == 0:
return 0, 0
# Calculate average neighbor velocity
avg_vx = np.mean(vx[neighbours])
avg_vy = np.mean(vy[neighbours])
# Compute the velocity difference vector
velocity_difference = np.array([avg_vx - vx[i][0], avg_vy - vy[i][0]])
# Normalize the velocity difference to ensure a unit vector
normalized_match = normalise(velocity_difference)
# Extract the components
match_vx, match_vy = normalized_match
return match_vx, match_vy
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Migration Velocity - a common goal velocity for the flock
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def migratory_vel(goal_x, goal_y):
normalized_goal = normalise(np.array([goal_x, goal_y]))
migrate_vx, migrate_vy = normalized_goal
return migrate_vx, migrate_vy
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Obstacle Velocity - velocity to steer away from incoming obstacles
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def obstacle_vel(i, x, y, vx, vy, R_min, R_obs, x_obstacle_list, y_obstacle_list, num_samples = 10):
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Find obstacles which could result in a collision with bird's current traj
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Initialise obstacle velocity as 0
lam_o = 0
obstacle_vx = 0
obstacle_vy = 0
# Get current location of the bird
bird_loc = np.array([x[i][0], y[i][0]])
# Get current travelling vector of bird and normalise
travel_vec = normalise(np.array([vx[i][0], vy[i][0]]))
# Create uniformly spaced points along the bird's "line of travel"
# This is maxed at the bird obstacle viewing radius
lot_values = np.linspace(0, R_obs, num_samples).reshape(-1, 1)
lot_points = bird_loc + lot_values * travel_vec
# Initialise a list to store the obstacle points that are too close to bird
too_close_points = []
lot_points_x = lot_points[:,0]
lot_points_y = lot_points[:,1]
# Loop over spaced points on the bird's line of travel
for lot_x, lot_y in zip(lot_points_x, lot_points_y):
# Iterate over each obstacle in the obstacle list
for obstacle_idx, (x_obs, y_obs) in enumerate(zip(x_obstacle_list, y_obstacle_list)):
# Calculate distance from line of travel point to the current obstacle's points
distances = np.sqrt((np.array(x_obs) - lot_x)**2 + (np.array(y_obs) - lot_y)**2)
# Find the obstacle(s) which is too close
close_indices = np.where(distances <= R_min)[0]
# Store the specific point(s) on the obstacle which the bird could hit
if len(close_indices) > 0:
# Append the obstacle(s) index and point(s) index
too_close_points.extend([(obstacle_idx, idx) for idx in close_indices])
# Remove duplicates if necessary
too_close_points = list(set(too_close_points))
# If no obstacle points are too close then
if not too_close_points:
# The bird doesn't need a obstacle velocity component, return 0
return obstacle_vx, obstacle_vy, lam_o
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# If possible collision detected, find what object this is for
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Start with a large value
min_distance = np.inf
for obstacle_idx, point_idx in too_close_points:
# Get the coordinates of the point
point_x = x_obstacle_list[obstacle_idx][point_idx]
point_y = y_obstacle_list[obstacle_idx][point_idx]
# Calculate distance from bird's current position to the point
distance_to_bird = np.sqrt((point_x - x[i][0])**2 + (point_y - y[i][0])**2)
# Check if this point is closer than the current closest
if distance_to_bird < min_distance:
min_distance = distance_to_bird
most_threatening_point = (obstacle_idx, point_idx)
# Now "most_threatening_point" contains the obstacle index and point index
obstacle_idx, point_idx = most_threatening_point
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Find the weight for the obstacle velocity vector
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# scale min distance to be a value between 0 and 1 depending on the scale
# of 0 to R_min
p = 3 # Control steepness (tune this value)
# Ensure min_distance is capped between 0 and R_min
normalized_distance = min(min_distance / R_min, 1)
# Calculate lam_o using polynomial scaling
lam_o = (1 - normalized_distance) ** p
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# If possible collision detected, find nearest silhouette edge of object
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Find line perpendicular to travelling vector of bird
perp_vec = np.array([-travel_vec[1], travel_vec[0]])
# Project each point of collision obstacle on to this perp line
# Find points of object that can result in collision
coll_obstacle_x = x_obstacle_list[obstacle_idx]
coll_obstacle_y = y_obstacle_list[obstacle_idx]
coll_obstacle_points = np.column_stack((coll_obstacle_x, coll_obstacle_y))
# Initialize a list to store projections and corresponding points
projections_with_points = []
# Loop through each obstacle point
for obs in coll_obstacle_points:
# Calculate the projection of the point onto the perpendicular vector
projection = np.dot(obs - bird_loc, perp_vec)
# Store the projection along with the corresponding point
projections_with_points.append((projection, obs))
# Sort the projections to find the edges
projections_with_points.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) # Sort by projection value
# Extract the silhouette edges
left_edge_projection, left_edge_point = projections_with_points[0] # Smallest projection
right_edge_projection, right_edge_point = projections_with_points[-1] # Largest projection
silhouette_edges = [left_edge_point, right_edge_point]
# Of these, find the one with minimum distance to the bird
# This is the nearest silhouette edge of object
closest_edge = min(silhouette_edges, key=lambda edge: abs(edge[0] - edge[1]))
# The bird should steer to a point that is past the edge by a
# distance at least the radius of the bird in order to clear the obstacle
# Find the outwards perpendicular vector of the object and normalise
# We do this by finding the two neighbouring points and computing a line
# between them, and finding the vector perp to this line
# Exclude the closest_edge itself
remaining_points = coll_obstacle_points[~(coll_obstacle_points == closest_edge).all(axis=1)]
# Compute distances to closest_edge
distances = np.linalg.norm(remaining_points - closest_edge, axis=1)
# Find indices of the two closest points
closest_indices = distances.argsort()[:2] # Get indices of the two smallest distances
# Get the two closest points
side_points = remaining_points[closest_indices]
# Calculate the line between them
line_vec = side_points[0] - side_points[1]
# Find the perpendicular vector and normalise
obs_perp_vec = normalise(np.array([-line_vec[1], line_vec[0]]))
# Find rough centre of obstacle
centroid = np.mean(coll_obstacle_points, axis=0)
# Make sure perp vector is pointing outwards from obstacle
# Compute potential endpoints
endpoint_1 = closest_edge + obs_perp_vec
endpoint_2 = closest_edge - obs_perp_vec
# Calculate distances from centroid
distance_1 = np.linalg.norm(endpoint_1 - centroid)
distance_2 = np.linalg.norm(endpoint_2 - centroid)
# Choose the outward vector
if distance_1 > distance_2:
outward_perp_vec = obs_perp_vec
outward_perp_vec = -obs_perp_vec
# Multiply by radius of the bird to get target safe point
safe_point = closest_edge + R_min * outward_perp_vec
# Get velocity of bird to safe point and normalise
steer_vec = normalise(safe_point - bird_loc)
obstacle_vx, obstacle_vy = steer_vec
return obstacle_vx, obstacle_vy, lam_o
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Update velocities
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def update_velocity(i, vx, vy, \
obstacle_vx, obstacle_vy, \
centre_vx, centre_vy, \
avoid_vx, avoid_vy, \
match_vx, match_vy, \
migrate_vx, migrate_vy, \
bird_speed, \
bird_speed_max, \
lam_a, \
lam_c, \
lam_m, \
lam_o, \
# if lam_o > 0.9:
# vx_new = bird_speed * obstacle_vx
# vy_new = bird_speed * obstacle_vy
# Update velocities with contributions
vx_new = vx[i][0] + \
lam_o * obstacle_vx + \
lam_c * centre_vx + \
lam_a * avoid_vx + \
lam_m * match_vx + \
lam_g * migrate_vx
vy_new = vy[i][0] + \
lam_o * obstacle_vy + \
lam_c * centre_vy + \
lam_a * avoid_vy + \
lam_m * match_vy + \
lam_g * migrate_vy
# Compute the current speed
current_speed = np.linalg.norm([vx[i][0], vy[i][0]])
# Add small noise to the direction
# noise_factor = 0.01 * current_speed
# vx_new += np.random.uniform(-noise_factor, noise_factor)
# vy_new += np.random.uniform(-noise_factor, noise_factor)
vx_new = min(1, bird_speed_max/current_speed) * vx_new
vy_new = min(1, bird_speed_max/current_speed) * vy_new
return vx_new, vy_new
# =============================================================================
# Update Steps
# =============================================================================
def step(x, y, vx, vy, L, R_bird, R_min, N, dt, bird_speed_max, lam_a, lam_c, lam_m, lam_g, goal_x, goal_y, x_obstacle_list, y_obstacle_list):
Compute a step in the dynamics:
- update the positions
- compute the new velocities
# Update positions based on velocity and time step
x += vx * dt
y += vy * dt
# Apply periodic boundary conditions
x %= L
y %= L
# Initialise the new velocities
vx_new = np.zeros(N)
vy_new = np.zeros(N)
# For each bird:
for i in range(N):
# Find neighbouring birds and those that are too close
neighbours, too_close = proximity_lists(i, x, y, R_bird, R_min)
# Obstacle avoidance component
obstacle_vx, obstacle_vy, lam_o = obstacle_vel(i, x, y, vx, vy, R_min, R_obs, x_obstacle_list, y_obstacle_list, num_samples = 10)
# Center of mass component
centre_vx, centre_vy = centre_vel(i, x, y, neighbours)
# Bird avoidance component
avoid_vx, avoid_vy = avoid_vel(i, x, y, too_close)
# Matching component
match_vx, match_vy = match_vel(i, vx, vy, neighbours)
# Migrating component
migrate_vx, migrate_vy = migratory_vel(goal_x, goal_y)
# Update velocity with limits
vx_new[i], vy_new[i] = update_velocity(i, vx, vy, \
obstacle_vx, obstacle_vy, \
centre_vx, centre_vy, \
avoid_vx, avoid_vy, \
match_vx, match_vy, \
migrate_vx, migrate_vy, \
bird_speed, \
bird_speed_max, \
lam_a, \
lam_c, \
lam_m, \
lam_o, \
# Update new velocities
vx = np.array(vx_new).reshape(-1, 1)
vy = np.array(vy_new).reshape(-1, 1)
return x, y, vx, vy
def update_quiver(q,x,y,vx,vy):
Update a quiver with new position and velocity information
This is only used for plotting
return q
# Get obstacles
# Number of obstacles
num_obstacles = 8
nrows = 4
ncols = 2
x_obstacle_list, y_obstacle_list, x_obstacle, y_obstacle = get_obstacles(L, num_obstacles, nrows, ncols)
# Initialize figure and axes
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 5))
# Plot obstacles
for xx, yy in zip(x_obstacle_list, y_obstacle_list):
ax.plot(xx, yy, 'r-')
# Get the initial bird configuration
x, y, vx, vy = flock_uniform(N, L, bird_speed)
# Initialize quiver plot for birds
q = ax.quiver(x, y, vx, vy)
# Set figure parameters
ax.set(xlim=(0, L), ylim=(0, L))
# Define the update function for the animation
def update_func(frame):
Update function for each frame in the animation.
global x, y, vx, vy
# Update bird positions and velocities
x, y, vx, vy = step(x, y, vx, vy, L, R_bird, R_min, N, dt,
bird_speed_max, lam_a, lam_c, lam_m, lam_g,
goal_x, goal_y, x_obstacle_list, y_obstacle_list)
# Update the quiver plot with new data
q.set_offsets(np.column_stack([x, y]))
q.set_UVC(vx, vy)
return q,
# Create the animation
ani = FuncAnimation(fig, update_func, frames=Nt, interval=50, blit=True)
# Display the animation in the notebook
# Show the animation