doolo00026 2015-07-24 06:06
浏览 56


On the handler page i need something along the lines of this to work:

    $mobile = preg_replace('/^07/','447',$phonenumber);

this will assign the outcome of the preg_replace to the var $mobile, and if the phonenumber entered is not a mobile number it will not assign the variable, However if it is assigned i need to then assign it to a session before redirecting the user automatically, The handler page has (2) outcomes..

1) The handler redirects to a page where no SMS message information is neccessery as the user did not enter a Mobile number however they entered a Landline.

2) The user gets sent to the sms related page.

$_SESSION['mobauth'] = $mobile; <--- Need to create a session or a way to have the page redirect with the $mobile variable information stored else where to be called on the related page.

The redirection will follow the lines of:

   header('Location: mobile-sms.php');
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  • dqq48152418 2015-07-24 06:18

    Why not add hidden form input fields into the handler and have a javascript function do the redirect in the way of submitting the form form you.

    So the user will be redirected to the form action address being called instantly from the javascript and that way on the next page you can have $mobile = $_POST['mobauth']; or better still you can assign the POST to a session like so:


    And here is the javascript form redirect script:

    <form id="YourFormID" method="POST" action="nextpage.php">
        <input type="hidden" name="mobauth" value="<?php echo $mobile; ?>"/>

    Hope this helps...

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