On the handler page i need something along the lines of this to work:
$mobile = preg_replace('/^07/','447',$phonenumber);
this will assign the outcome of the preg_replace to the var $mobile, and if the phonenumber entered is not a mobile number it will not assign the variable, However if it is assigned i need to then assign it to a session before redirecting the user automatically, The handler page has (2) outcomes..
1) The handler redirects to a page where no SMS message information is neccessery as the user did not enter a Mobile number however they entered a Landline.
2) The user gets sent to the sms related page.
$_SESSION['mobauth'] = $mobile
; <--- Need to create a session or a way to have the page redirect with the $mobile variable information stored else where to be called on the related page.
The redirection will follow the lines of:
header('Location: mobile-sms.php');