I have a google map on this page, all markers were generated by submit postcodes. So I have the array below, loop info of each marker, imploded as ("array", "array") format, I am trying to click on a infoWindow and display the according marker details on details.php. The problem is everything is on the button onclick event, only a simple get on the second page.
This is working, but it is a very bad way. Because the limit to URL length and security reasons;
I would like to be able to get an array info from details.php page,
and the button onclick event trigger url looks like: details.php?marker=id
I don't know what is the best way to go about this, can someone pointing me to the right direction please?
$info = array();
foreach($stmt as $x)
$info[] =
"<h4>" . $x['name'] . "</h4><hr />".
"<h5>Address: </h5>" . $x['Address']."<br />" .
"<h5>Postcode: " . $x['postcode'] ."</h5><br />" .
"<button onclick='window.location.href= \\\"details.php?marker=". "<h4>" . $x['name'] . "</h4><hr />".
"<h5>Address: </h5>" . $x['address']."<br />" . "<h5>Postcode: " . $x['postcode'] ."</h5><br />" . "\\\" ' >
View Details</button>";
$i=' "'.implode('","', $info).'"';
echo $infomarker = $_GET['marker'];