I have written a query of aggregation framework (mongoDb PHP), which was working fine some days ago but now as records has been increased the query returns a MongoCursorTimeoutException Read timed out after reading 0 bytes, waited for 30.000000 seconds
and my query is
$cursor = $collection->aggregateCursor(array(
array('$match' => $condition),
array('$project' => $project),
array('$group' => array(
'_id' => $group,
'counts' => array( '$sum' => 1)
array('allowDiskUse' => true, "maxTimeMS" => 300000)
I have also created a ticket on Jira but still there is no reply
also want to mention maxTimeMS option does not working
mongoDb version is v2.6.4
1.6.6 MongoDB database driver (legacy)
Can anybody help me to sort out this issue?