dtpk04526211 2016-02-21 08:17
浏览 87

PHP Ajax XMLHttpRequest popen实时进度

I'm trying to output live : the ffmpeg progress

It works great when I execute the php file alone : many lines with text appearing one after an other...

••• But when it's a XMLHttpRequest context, the output is 1 line empty

PHP working when not in AJAX situation :

ini_set("output_buffering", "0");
$call_mp4 = ' __FFMPEG Command HERE__ ';
$proc = popen($call_mp4, 'r');
while (!feof($proc)) {
    echo '['.date("i:s")."] ".fread($proc, 4096).'<br>';ob_flush();flush();

Does someone know why in AJAX it's blank and only 1 line ? how can this be fixed ?


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  • duan0065626385 2016-02-21 22:29

    I have a "work around" temporary solution...

    //JS FILE
    var formData = new FormData();
    var fileSizeForAllUpload = 0;
    var allAllowedExt_arr = __EXTENSIONS ALLOWED HERE__;
    // Retrieve the FileList object from the referenced element ID (for multiple uploading files)
    var ins = document.getElementById( jXHRinputID ).files.length;
    for (var x = 0; x < ins; x++) {
        fileName = ''; fileExtension = '';
        fileName = document.getElementById( jXHRinputID ).files[x].name ;
        fileSize = document.getElementById( jXHRinputID ).files[x].size ; jLog('• fileName -> ' + fileName + ' : fileSize -> ' + fileSize);
        fileExtension = fileName.substr((fileName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1));
        if ( !in_array( fileExtension , allAllowedExt_arr ) ){ fileExtension = 'notAllowed'; }
        // if file too large...
        if ( fileSize < 400000000 ) {
            formData.append( jXHRinputID+"[]", document.getElementById( jXHRinputID ).files[x]);
            fileSizeForAllUpload = fileSizeForAllUpload + fileSize;
        if ( fileSize >= 400000000 ) { fileName = fileName + ' ' + _file_size_too_large ; }
        $('#uploadingFilesNames_'+jXHRinputID).append( '• <img src="'+subdomain_icons+'/files/'+ fileExtension +'.png" width="42px" />' + fileName + '<br>' );
    if ( fileSizeForAllUpload > 0 ) {
        xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
        xhr.open('POST', '___WEB PATH OF THE PHP FILE___'+"?"+params, true);
        xhr.upload.addEventListener("loadstart", function(e){
        }, false);
        // upload progress
        xhr.upload.addEventListener("progress", function(e){
                var percentage = Math.round((e.loaded * 100) / e.total);
                $("#percentageCalc_"+jXHRinputID).html(percentage + '%');
        }, false);
        xhr.upload.addEventListener("load", function(e){
        }, false);
        xhr.onprogress = function(e) {
            // ******** HERE : it's the actual line that output live from the echo stuff;ob_flush();flush();
        xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { 
            if (xhr.readyState == 4) { 


    ini_set("output_buffering", "0");
    // ******* later in PHP file after move_uploaded_file
    $newFile_log = "___path for the log file___";
    $call_mp4 = " __FFMPEG Command HERE__ 1> $newFile_log  2>&1 ";
    // start the ffmpeg convertion
    $proc_mp4 = popen($call_mp4, 'r');
    //wait for the log file to be created
    while (!file_exists($newFile_log)) { sleep(1); }
    while (file_exists($newFile_log)) {
        echo '•';ob_flush();flush();sleep(1);
        // Check for the word head in the log file 
        // in ffmpeg I found that the line containing the word global headers: is the end of convertion
        if( shell_exec('grep -c "head" '.$newFile_log .' 2>&1') > 0 ) { break; }        
    //In FFMPEG the 1> $newFile_log is to create a loge file
    //and the 2>&1 is needed to have the ouput inside the variable

    It's working very well except for long videos...

    Is someone that (knows FFMEG well) know a better way to chec




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