doujilou3903 2016-01-22 08:18
浏览 61


Firstly, I am trying to generate a QR Code which once it is generated, the image will be immediately downloaded onto the computer. I would appreciate if someone could enlighten me on why the image are not showing up. Please do take note i am still a newbie in coding. Thank you very much for your help. Following are my codes:


//here we got all data from submitted form
//we include class file
//create an instance
$qr = new qrcode();
//then we check what type of information user wanted to create qr code
//to know what are possible types and what information needs to inserted, check the example file
    case "url":
        //then we use submitted information here, word inside $_POST[] brackets must match value of name attribute in the input field
        //<p>http://<input type='text' name='url' 
    case "txt":
    case "sms":
        $qr->sms($_POST['sms_phone'], $_POST["sms_text"]);
    case "bookmark":
        $qr->bookmark($_POST['mms_phone'], $_POST["mms_text"]);
    case "tel":
    case "contactinfo":
        $qr->contact_info($_POST["contact_name"], $_POST["contact_address"], $_POST["contact_phone"], $_POST["contact_email"]);
    case "email":
        $qr->email($_POST["email_address"], $_POST["email_subject"], $_POST["email_txt"]);
    case "geo":
        $qr->geo($_POST["geo_lat"], $_POST["geo_lon"], $_POST["geo_above"]);
    case "wifi":
        $qr->wifi($_POST["wifi_aut"], $_POST["wifi_ssid"],   $_POST["wifi_pass"]);
//here we specify inputted size and get link to image
echo "<p><img src='".$qr->get_link($_POST['size'])."' border='0'/></p>";

//to download image
//echo "<p><img src'".$->download_image($_POST['size'])."' border='0'/></p>"
$download =  $qr->get_link();



 class qrcode  
private $data;  

//creating code with link mtadata  
public function link($url){  
    if (preg_match('/^http:\/\//', $url) || preg_match('/^https:\/\//', $url))   
        $this->data = $url;  
        $this->data = "http://".$url;  

//creating code with bookmark metadata  
public function bookmark($title, $url){  
    $this->data = "MEBKM:TITLE:".$title.";URL:".$url.";;";  

//creating text qr code  
public function text($text){  
    $this->data = $text;  

//creatng code with sms metadata  
public function sms($phone, $text){  
    $this->data = "SMSTO:".$phone.":".$text;  

//creating code with phone   
public function phone_number($phone){  
    $this->data = "TEL:".$phone;  

//creating code with mecard metadata  
public function contact_info($name, $address, $phone, $email){  
    $this->data = "MECARD:N:".$name.";ADR:".$address.";TEL:".$phone.";EMAIL:".$email.";;";  

//creating code wth email metadata  
public function email($email, $subject, $message){  
    $this->data = "MATMSG:TO:".$email.";SUB:".$subject.";BODY:".$message.";;";  

//creating code with geo location metadata  
public function geo($lat, $lon, $height){  
    $this->data = "GEO:".$lat.",".$lon.",".$height;  

//creating code with wifi configuration metadata  
public function wifi($type, $ssid, $pass){  
    $this->data = "WIFI:T:".$type.";S:".$ssid.";P:".$pass.";;";  

//creating code with i-appli activating meta data  
public function iappli($adf, $cmd, $param){  
    $param_str = "";  
    foreach($param as $val)  
        $param_str .= "PARAM:".$val["name"].",".$val["value"].";";  
    $this->data = "LAPL:ADFURL:".$adf.";CMD:".$cmd.";".$param_str.";";  

//creating code with gif or jpg image, or smf or MFi of ToruCa files as content  
public function content($type, $size, $content){  
    $this->data = "CNTS:TYPE:".$type.";LNG:".$size.";BODY:".$content.";;";  

//getting image  
public function get_image($size = 150, $EC_level = 'L', $margin = '0'){  
    $ch = curl_init();  
    $this->data = urlencode($this->data);   
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, '');  
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);  
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, 'chs='.$size.'x'.$size.'&cht=qr&chld='.$EC_level.'|'.$margin.'&chl='.$this->data);  
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);  
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);  
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30);  

    $response = curl_exec($ch);  
    return $response;  

//getting link for image  
public function get_link($size = 250, $EC_level = 'L', $margin = '0'){  
    $this->data = urlencode($this->data);   
    $image =  ''.$size.'x'.$size.'&cht=qr&chld='.$EC_level.'|'.$margin.'&chl='.$this->data;                                                               
    return $image; 

//forcing image download 
public function download_image($file){ 
    header("Content-Description: File Transfer");
    header("Cache-Control: public");
    header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
    header('Expires: 0');
    header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=QRcode.png");     
    header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");    
    header('Pragma: public');

    echo $file;


//save image to server
public function save_image($file, $path = "./QRcode.png"){ 
    file_put_contents($path, $file);

When the image are downloaded, an error that says that the file is not supported

enter image description here

Opened the image on text editor and still could not find the error

<p><img src='|0&chl=sdfds' border='0'/></p>|0&chl=sdfds<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<script type="text/javascript">

function change_type(id)
    var divs = document.getElementById('forms').getElementsByTagName('div');
    for(var i = 0; i < divs.length; i++)
        divs[i].style.display = "none";
        document.getElementById(id).style.display = "block";
<form action='' method='post'>
<!-- Here is a select option element to change divs -->
<p>Select type: <select name='type' onchange='change_type(this.value)'>
<option value="url" >Link</option>
<option value="txt" selected>Text</option>
<option value="sms" >SMS</option>
<option value="bookmark" >Bookmark</option>
<option value="tel" >Phone number</option>
<option value="contactinfo" >Contact information</option>
<option value="email" >Email</option>
<option value="geo" >Geographical information</option>
<option value="wifi" >Wifi Network config</option>
<p>Image size in pixels: <input type='text' size='5' name='size' value='250'/></p>
<!-- This div element contains all form div element -->
<div id='forms'>
<!-- This div is for link -->
<div id='url'>
<p>http://<input type='text' name='url' value=''/></p>
<!-- This div is for text, style='display:none;' means it won't be visible from start -->
<div id='txt' style='display:none;'>
<p><textarea name='txt' rows='10' cols='30'>sdfds</textarea></p>
<!-- This div is for sms -->
<div id='sms' style='display:none;'>
<p><input type='text' name='sms_phone' value=''/></p>
<p><textarea name='sms_text' rows='10' cols='30'></textarea></p>
<div id='bookmark' style='display:none;'>
<p><input type='text' name='bookmark_title' value=''/></p>
<p><input name='bookmark_url' value=''/></p>
<div id='tel' style='display:none;'>
<p>Phone nubmer:</p>
<p><input type='text' name='tel' value=''/></p>
<div id='contactinfo' style='display:none;'>
<p>Contact information</p>
<p><input type='text' name='contact_name' value=''/></p>
<p><textarea name='contact_address' rows='10' cols='30'>
<p>Phone number:</p>
<p><input type='text' name='contact_tel' value=''/></p>
<p>Email address:</p>
<p><input type='text' name='contact_email' value=''/></p>
<div id='email' style='display:none;'>
<p>Email(supported by latest phones)</p>
<p><input type='text' name='email_address' value=''/></p>
<p><input type='text' name='email_subject' value=''/></p>
<p><textarea name='email_txt' rows='10' cols='30'>
<div id='geo' style='display:none;'>
<p>Geographical information(supported by latest phones)</p>
<p><input type='text' name='geo_lat' value=''/></p>
<p><input type='text' name='geo_lon' value=''/></p>
<p>Meters above earth:</p>
<p><input type='text' name='geo_above' value=''/></p>
<div id='wifi' style='display:none;'>
<p>Wifi Network configuration(supported by Android devices)</p>
<p>Authentication type:</p>
<p><select name='wifi_aut'>
<option value='WEP'>WEP</option>
<option value='WAP'>WAP</option>
<p>Network SSID:</p>
<p><input type='text' name='wifi_ssid' value=''/></p>
<p><input type='text' name='wifi_pass' value=''/></p>
<p><input type='submit' value='Get code'/></p>
<p><input type='submit' value='Download'/></p>

<script type="text/javascript">
    window.onload = function () 
        //this piece of code is so value selected by user will be shown after form submission
        change_type('txt'); }
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