I have a problem that has been bugging me for a while now. I have 10 activities on my page and at the bottom of it I have a "load more"-button that loads another 10 rows from MySQL using AJAX/jQuery. The problem is that the ordering of the results is incorrect. The first 10 rows are ordered correctly, but when I click the "load more" button it loads another 10 rows whose category and date don't correspond with the first 10 rows.
For instance:
**Title** **Category** **Location** **Date**
Title 1 Boardgames Copenhagen 11/9/2015
Title 2 Boardgames Copenhagen 12/9/2015
Title 3 Social Activity Copenhagen 14/9/2015
Title 4 Sports London 16/9/2015
Title 5 Sports London 23/9/2015
The first 5 rows are sorted correctly by location, category and then date
ORDER BY k.name DESC,aa.category_id,aa.date
However for instance if I load the next 5 rows these aren't sorted so they match the first ones. It would probably look like this if I try pressing "load more" button:
**Title** **Category** **Location** **Date**
Title 1 Boardgames Copenhagen 11/9/2015
Title 2 Boardgames Copenhagen 12/9/2015
Title 3 Social Activity Copenhagen 14/9/2015
Title 4 Sports London 16/9/2015
Title 5 Sports London 23/9/2015
Title 6 Boardgames Copenhagen 13/9/2015
Title 7 Boardgames Copenhagen 14/9/2015
Title 8 Social Activity Copenhagen 14/9/2015
Title 9 Sports London 16/9/2015
Title 10 Sports London 22/9/2015
It probably has something to do with the LIMIT 10 in my query? I appreciate all help!
Here is my query for my first 10 rows:
SELECT ar.id,ar.title,ar.time,ar.href,k.name AS kommune,aa.date,c.name AS cat
FROM activity_results ar
INNER JOIN activity_analyzer aa
ON aa.activity_id = ar.id
INNER JOIN user_activity_preferences uap
ON uap.category_id = aa.category_id
INNER JOIN user_kommune_preferences ukp
ON ukp.kommune_id = aa.kommune_id
INNER JOIN kommuner k
ON k.kommune_id = aa.kommune_id
INNER JOIN categories c
ON c.id = aa.category_id
INNER JOIN users u
ON u.id = ukp.user_id
WHERE (uap.user_id AND ukp.user_id = '$_SESSION[user_id]')
AND ar.status = '2'
AND aa.overtegnet = '0'
AND aa.date != '0000-00-00'
AND aa.date >= now()
AND (aa.gender = '0'OR aa.gender = u.gender)
ORDER BY k.name DESC,aa.category_id,aa.date
And for my next 10 rows:
SELECT ar.id,ar.title,ar.time,ar.href,k.name AS kommune,aa.date,c.name AS cat
FROM activity_results ar
INNER JOIN activity_analyzer aa
ON aa.activity_id = ar.id
INNER JOIN user_kommune_preferences ukp
ON ukp.kommune_id = aa.kommune_id
INNER JOIN kommuner k
ON k.kommune_id = aa.kommune_id
INNER JOIN categories c
ON c.id = aa.category_id
INNER JOIN users u
ON u.id = ukp.user_id
WHERE ukp.user_id = '$_SESSION[user_id]'
AND ar.status = '2'
AND aa.overtegnet = '0'
AND aa.date != '0000-00-00'
AND aa.date >= now()
AND (aa.gender = '0'OR aa.gender = u.gender)
AND ar.id > $last_activity_id
ORDER BY k.name DESC,aa.category_id,aa.date