dongsha9208 2014-07-18 12:39
浏览 51


I'm getting prices and bookings from different sources in one flat booking table like this:

record    2014-06-07   2014-06-14   2014-06-21   2014-06-28
1           2000.00     2500.00       2500.00      3000.00
           array(3)     array(null)   array(2)     array(1)

2           3000.00     3500.00       3500.00      2800.00
         array(null)    array(1)     array(null)  array(null)

Now I need to render the columns with prices and bookings into a nice layout. So I wrote a custom twig extension and gave them prices and bookings as arguments.

So my question is: How can I render the result of the custom Twig_Function within the twig extension? Sometimes I need to render only the price and sometimes I need to render the price and 3 bookings within a week.

Before using the twig extension I tried to render a custom controller. But that was very slow because having lots of rows and columns in the table.

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  • dougekui1518 2014-07-24 12:27

    First it did not worked for me, because I was getting a circularReferenceException. I helped me with injection an existing Twig Enviroment. So my service definition looks like

      class: App\AppBundle\Twig\AppExtension
      arguments: ["@twig"]
          - { name: twig.extension }

    An the constructor looks like this:

    function __construct(\Twig_Environment $environment)
        $this->environment = $environment;

    In the function then I use

    public function myFunction()
        // logic...
        return $this->environment->display(extension, arguments)
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