how do i get the quantity in the form and how do i add the item? right now it doesn't add, actually it replaces any item that was there before. and how do i check if the already is there? and it never gets the quantity in the input box
public function actionBasketAjax($id)
{ $session=new CHttpSession;
$quantity = $_GET['qty'];
else $quantity = 1;
$productInfo = Product::model()->findByPk($id);
$cartArray =Yii::app()->session['cart'];
if (Yii::app()->session['cart'] === null)
"product_id" => $id ,
"product_name" => $productInfo->product_name,
"quantity" => $quantity,
"price" => $productInfo->retail_price,
"totalPrice" => ($productInfo->retail_price * $quantity)
$newItem = array(
"product_id" => $id ,
"product_name" => $productInfo->product_name,
"quantity" => $quantity,
"price" => $productInfo->retail_price,
"totalPrice" => ($productInfo->retail_price * $quantity)
$cartArray = $session->add('cart', $newItem);