du656637962 2016-05-18 09:48
浏览 82


recent version of whatsapp introduced little bit of styling the message, suppose we want to write something like this

input This is a ~statement~ which has styling in it

output This is a statement which has styling in it

even stackoverflow has this kind of minimal styling which gives great look, we want to implement this in our platform where teachers while giving remark to student can give ol, ul, bold, italic but we also want to make sure they are not allowed to use traditional html tags because when tag changes we have to make changes instead we like the approach where you can add special character with word and turn them way you want in the output.

I don't know what is the specific terms for this type of editing so please ignore it.

language since our platform is already running in php we would like to implement that in php

thought process we thought it might be possible with regex but don't know how to implement ol, ul and we are not very sure if that is a correct method to implement

why not allowing traditional html tags

  1. Not all of them know traditional html tags
  2. want to keep our application secure
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  • dpaal28266 2016-05-18 09:59

    Take a look at this GitHub library

    Here are some examples:

    // traditional markdown and parse full text
    $parser = new \cebe\markdown\Markdown();
    // use github markdown
    $parser = new \cebe\markdown\GithubMarkdown();
    // use markdown extra
    $parser = new \cebe\markdown\MarkdownExtra();
    // parse only inline elements (useful for one-line descriptions)
    $parser = new \cebe\markdown\GithubMarkdown();
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