I have this relationship betwen item and episode
public function episodes()
return $this->hasMany(episode::class);
public function item()
return $this->belongsTo(item::class);
In controller
$latestanimes = DB::table('episodes')->where('category', 'anime')
->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')
What I'm trying to do is get the title of the anime it belongs to of each episode
@foreach($latestanimes as $episode)
@foreach($episode->item as $parrent)
{{ $parrent->title; }}
<td>{{ $episode->number }}</td>
<td>{{ $episode->category }}</td>
This gives me "Undefined property: stdClass::$item"
I tried debugging in routes.php
Route::get('/dd/{id}', function($id){
echo $episode->name. '<hr>';
echo $item->title;
And this works ... Is there a way to access it directly? like
{{ $episode->item->title }}
Thanks in advance