doudaochu1699 2015-08-01 11:26
浏览 51


I am writing an Custom Symfony Service, a Mailer, to send all of my mails. Therefore I am trying to inject the mailer and the template Service inside the custom Service Class. I already tried other solutions from stackoverflow, like e.g. 10304468, but this didn't helped me.

This is my Mailer Service Class

namespace Acme\DemoBundle\Mail;

use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Templating\EngineInterface;
use Swift_Message;

class Mailer {

    protected $mailer;

    protected $templating;

public function __construct(Swift_Message $mailer, EngineInterface $templating) {

            $this->mailer = $mailer;
            $this->templating = $templating;

    public function NewUserMail($newuser){

        $message = new Swift_Message();
                ->setSubject('Demo Subject')
                ->setFrom(array('' => 'Your Company'))
                ->setBody($this->templating->render('AcmeDemoBundle:Mail:newuser.html.twig'), 'text/html');              

    public function sendMail($message) {

This is my Service.yml (which gets loaded through the Dependecy Injection Extension file:

    class:     Acme\DemoBundle\Mail\Mailer
    arguments: ["@mailer", "@templating"]

Now when I am calling the Mailer Service inside a Controller, I get this Error:

Catchable Fatal Error: Argument 1 passed to Acme\DemoBundle\Mail\Mailer::__construct() must be an instance of Swift_Message, none given,

How I call the Mailer Service inside the Controller:

$message = new Mailer();

If I insert the mailer and templating service from the container, when generating the new Mailer Class, i won't get the error. But I thought, the Service.yml is insertig the services into my class, but obviously is does not.

I also tried this inside another symfony project, same problem. It looks like I am missing something here.... :(

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  • duannai1883 2015-08-02 08:11

    Symfony's DependencyInjection doesn't actually change the way php works. Hence the service container. It's just a series of components that helps you centralize your service (which is a class really) instantiation. You can think of it in very very simple terms as this:

    class ServiceContainer{
      protected $definitions;
      protected $instantiated;
       * @param array $definitions the service definitions, e.g: the result of parsing the yml file
      public function __construct($definitions){
        $this->definitions = $definitions;
      public function get($service){
          return $this->instantiated[$service]);
        $definition = $this->definitions[$service];
        $class = $definition['class'];
        $arguments = $definition['arguments'];
        // the resolved arguments
        $args = array();
        foreach($arguments as $a){
          // resolveArguments will return the corresponding object/value depending on the value of the arg
          // i.e: it will return an instantiated service for "@mailer"
          // or the parameter's value for "%some_parameter%"
          $args[] = $this->resolveArguments($a);
        // now instantiate the object base on the resolved arguments
        $reflector = new ReflectionClass($class);
        $object = $reflector->newInstanceArgs($args);
        $this->instantiated[$service] = $object;
        return $object;



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