I'm trying to convince my friend and my customer instead to move from Joomla legacy 1.5 to Joomla 3.4, that it would be better to move to Yii2. Site have ALOT of custom logic, custom created components, custom rules different types of users, just all in one, more than 80% of important parts of site is based on custom rules. Other problems I found with joomla is object based programming. when we come to complex systems with more inherited objects it becomes such a mess with files, basically I would need to create set of rules by which I will organize so many models. To create Joomla library would be fine, but then, why would need a joomla? Also objects are mess in current site, there are gods objects, design of mysql database is really messed up, multiplicated fields, deprecated fields, etc. and some parts of site are hard coded and very complicated.
Do you think there is any reason why I might be wrong about moving, except time to do it and admin experience of Joomla?