drxyaox153896 2015-03-21 03:12
浏览 34

Zend路由 - 从带有&符号的URL中抓取变量而不是斜杠 - Tapjoy

I'm currently creating attempting to integrate with the Tapjoy API with their callback URL request which comes in this form:


However, using ZF1 -- the Zend_Controller_Router_Route seems to be dependent on the variable separation being delimited by slashes and not ampersands.

Here is my current Route code

>     $router->addRoute( 'api-tapjoy', new Zend_Controller_Router_Route('api/tapjoy?snuid=:snuid&mac_address=:&mac_address&display_multiplier....etc.etc,
array('controller'=>'api', 'action' =>'tapjoy')));

Whenever I remove the ampersands and initial question mark and replace them with slashes it works. How can I properly receive the HTTP Request whilst using ampersands?

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  • duandao7704 2015-03-24 03:52

    Looks like I figured it out. It has nothing to do with ampersands and slashes, etc. but rather that my Route wasn't created properly.

    I was thrown off by this documentation on ZF1's website about routers:

    The first parameter in the Zend_Controller_Router_Route constructor is a route definition that will be matched to a URL. Route definitions consist of static and dynamic parts separated by the slash ('/') character. Static parts are just simple text: author. Dynamic parts, called variables, are marked by prepending a colon to the variable name: :username.

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