I have a cclassifieds website, and users may for example search for cars, and specify a price range, mileage, fueltype, gearbox and a manually inputted query-string if they like to put something specific into the search, ex "bmw m3".
I am about to move this information to Solr for faster lookup, and wonder if I have to index or store the fields.
The only fields where users can search in is actually the "headline" and the "description" of the classified. They can however as I mention above, specify price ranges for example.
So I guess the "headline" and "description" fields should be indexed right? But should the price field, and any other sub-option fields also be indexed?
In a MySQL query the query-syntax would be something like this, so you can compare to what I am talking about: (may contain errors, forgot exactly how they where written)
$query="SELECT * FROM cars_category WHERE headline='bmw m3' OR description='bmw m3' AND price BETWEEN 10000 AND 500000 AND fuel='petrol' AND etc etc";
So what do you think, index/store all fields or what?
Is there a method for determining what to store and what to index, or both?
PS: Descriptive answers are appreciated