douruyun8153 2014-03-23 16:53
浏览 32

基本PHP While循环显示新行上的每个记录

I am trying to return a basic list from a table in PHP but for some reason it returns the results in one long string instead of displaying the next record on a new line. I have done something similar a while ago but I don't use PHP that often so I'm guessing I am missing a fairly obvious mistake. Any help is appreciated.

My current code looks like this.



$query = "SELECT * FROM clients";

$dbRecords = mysql_query($query, $dbConnect) 
or die("Problem reading table: " + mysql_error());

$clientName = $dbRecords["clientName"];

while ($arrRecords = mysql_fetch_array($dbRecords)) 
     $clientName .= $arrRecords["clientName"];


     echo '<h2>Client List</h2>';
     echo $clientName; echo'<br />'; echo'<br />';
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  • dplbf4340 2014-03-23 16:55

    Don't do

    $clientName = $dbRecords["clientName"];

    because $dbRecords is the resultset resource; just initialise $clientName to an empty string, then loop

    $clientName = '';
    while ($arrRecords = mysql_fetch_array($dbRecords)) {
         $clientName .= $arrRecords["clientName"] . '<br />';

    adding the newline (<br />) in your loop




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