I have a list of checkboxes
created by a while loop
but when the form is submitted the checkboxes
are cleared. I have tried to use the unique id
of the value in the record by putting it in a hidden field and then using it in an if query
before marking the checkbox
as checked but it does nothing
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)){
$posted = $row['auditID'];
<tr class="hover">
<td width="180"><? echo $row['auditName']; ?>
<input type="hidden" name="audit_id_confirm" value="<? echo $row['auditID'];?>">
<td width="33"><input type="checkbox" name="audit_selected[]"
value="<? echo $row['auditID'];?>"
<?php if($_POST['audit_id_confirm'] == $posted){ echo "checked"; }?>>