doupike2351 2017-09-23 07:14
浏览 107

Yii2 SwiftMailer发送邮件两次

I write a game for football fans. So, I have to send similar mails to a group of people (not completely duplicated e-mail copies). When I send the mails in a cycle - Yii framework sends the mails twice. I suppose - it is because of the static variable Yii::$app. Can someone give me a hint, please. A code for example.

foreach ($oRace->user as $currUser) {
        $htmlContent = $this->renderPartial('start_race', ['oRace' => $oRace]);
                ->setSubject('Race "' . $raceName . '" has Started')

Thanks all in advance!

My Mailer config.

    'mailer' => [
        'class' => 'yii\swiftmailer\Mailer',
        'useFileTransport' => false,
        'transport' => [
            'class' => 'Swift_SmtpTransport',
            'host' => '',
            'username' => '',
            'password' => 'password',
            'port' => '587',
            'encryption' => 'TLS',

One more thing. The last mail in the cycle is never duplicated (only the last).

Another failed option. Yii::$app->mailer->sendMultiple($allMails);

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  • dougui4325 2018-01-30 11:21

    From the provided code snippets, there are 3 possible reasons for that. Either:

    • $oRace->user contains every user twice
    • $currUser->mail contains the email twice like `;"
    • something is wrong inside the send function of SwiftMailer



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