This is probably a silly question but how do you extract the value of a variable inside a PHP function? I found this code on stackoverflow on how to find the title of the webpage:
function page_title($url)
$fp = file_get_contents($url);
if (!$fp)
return null;
$res = preg_match("/<title>(.*)<\/title>/", $fp, $title_matches);
if (!$res)
return null;
$title = $title_matches[1];
return $title;
I have a variable called $extract outside the function above and want to insert the value of $title from the function into the outside variable, $extract. I'm assuming you have to call the function first and then do something else to achieve this but I don't know what that step is.
If I call the function and the variable $title returns the value "welcome to my website", I want to associate that value with the outside variable, $extract.