douzhou7656 2017-09-26 11:16
浏览 209


I would like remove all keys [Name] but the main problem is the number in the list key ([List1],[List2] etc.). The numbers at key [List] may be more but for example I gave only two.

I would like to change this because it is an old json file and in the new one it doesn't have a key, like a converter

Is there a way to go across the entire array and remove all [Name] keys?

 [Values] => 1
 [List1] => Array(
    [Product1] => Array( 
       [0] => Array(
          [Properties] => Array( 
            [Id] => 1
            [Name] => Nm1
        [1]=> Array(
            [Properties] => Array(  
                [Id] => 1
                [Name] => Nm1
    [List1] => Array(
        [Product1] => Array( 
            [0] => Array(
                [Properties] => Array( 
                    [Id] => 1
                    [Name] => Nm1
    [List2] => Array(
        [Product1] => Array( 
            [0] => Array(
                [Properties] => Array( 
                    [Id] => 1
                    [Name] => 0
  [List2] => Array(
    [Product1] => Array( 
        [0] => Array(
            [Properties] => Array( 
                [Id] => 1
                [Name] => Nm1
    [List1] => Array(
        [Product1] => Array( 
            [0] => Array(
                [Properties] => Array( 
                    [Id] => 1
                    [Name] => Nm1

My goal is:

 [Values] => 1
 [List1] => Array(
    [Product1] => Array( 
       [0] => Array(
          [Properties] => Array( 
            [Id] => 1
        [1]=> Array(
            [Properties] => Array(  
                [Id] => 1
    [List1] => Array(
        [Product1] => Array( 
            [0] => Array(
                [Properties] => Array( 
                    [Id] => 1
    [List2] => Array(
        [Product1] => Array( 
            [0] => Array(
                [Properties] => Array( 
                    [Id] => 1
  [List2] => Array(
    [Product1] => Array( 
        [0] => Array(
            [Properties] => Array( 
                [Id] => 1
    [List1] => Array(
        [Product1] => Array( 
            [0] => Array(
                [Properties] => Array( 
                    [Id] => 1

I tried:

$ProductCount= count($array['List1']['Product1']);
for($i = 0;$i<$ProductCount;$i++){

But I also have a key[List2] and can be [List3] etc.

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  • dongzao4503 2017-09-26 11:43

    You can do it like this:

    function remove_key($array, $key)
        foreach($array as $k => $v) {
        if(is_array($v)) {
            $array[$k] = remove_key($v, $key);
        } elseif($k == $key) {
        return $array;
    $array = remove_key($array, 'Name');

    $array is your multidimensional array and $key is the key name that you want to remove. NOTE: If the key represents an array (not a value) this method will ignore it but I assume that this is what you need. If you want to remove arrays if the key matches you need to switch the conditions order in the foreach loop.

    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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