Here my problem, I do a query to MySQL (PDO) for give me the last 5 URLs of a table nammed avatar who contains the ID and the URL :
$response = $dbh->query("SELECT url FROM avatar ORDER BY id_URL DESC LIMIT 0,5 ");
And I did :
while ($donnees = $response->fetch())
$urlImage = $donnees['url']; //'url' contains the URL
$result = file_get_contents($urlImage);
header('Content-Type: image/png');
echo $result;
But the header just return a small empty white square. However, the "$result = file_get_contents($urlImage);" takes properly the URL because when I do :
$urlImage = $donnees['url']; //'url' contains the URL
$result = file_get_contents($urlImage);
echo $result;
It just shows the "encodage of the image" (a ton of special characters) but not displays the image.
I also try with "imagick" but it says to me that the class doesn't exist and I don't think that the imagecreatefrompng can be use with URL.
Thanks !