dscc90150010 2017-02-14 18:57
浏览 75

PHP - 使用URL读取图像

Here my problem, I do a query to MySQL (PDO) for give me the last 5 URLs of a table nammed avatar who contains the ID and the URL :

$response = $dbh->query("SELECT url FROM avatar ORDER BY id_URL DESC LIMIT 0,5 ");

And I did :

  while ($donnees = $response->fetch())

$urlImage = $donnees['url']; //'url' contains the URL
$result = file_get_contents($urlImage);        
header('Content-Type: image/png');
echo $result;   

But the header just return a small empty white square. However, the "$result = file_get_contents($urlImage);" takes properly the URL because when I do :

   $urlImage = $donnees['url']; //'url' contains the URL
$result = file_get_contents($urlImage);        
echo $result;   

It just shows the "encodage of the image" (a ton of special characters) but not displays the image.

I also try with "imagick" but it says to me that the class doesn't exist and I don't think that the imagecreatefrompng can be use with URL.

Thanks !

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  • dotdx80642 2017-02-14 19:01

    If you're trying to use a dynamic image source where your url is the image source, and it isn't working, then the problem might be that there's a space or extra character somewhere on the page, which will make the browser treat it like a document instead of an image in some cases.

    Your problem is that the browser isn't understanding that it's supposed to be an image.

    You could always do:

    <img src="<?=$urlImage?>">
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