After a while of writing REST api and TwiML apps I had been trying to write a sequential Dialing app in REST api but after much errors and issues I am stumped. I had written a sequential dialing app in TwiML but writing the same app in REST is hell....
What I have been trying to do in REST api is create this program where a person A has a list of people B C D E F G H I J K, person A wants to send an SMS to a twilio number, Twilio would then call using REST api to the list of people one by one until one of them pick up. The Process goes like this:
1) Person A text's Twilio number
2) Twilio gathers its array of phone numbers of persons B C D E F G H I J K
3) Twilio's REST api calls person B
4) Person B does **NOT** pick up (busy or doesn't pick up so answering machine) so then REST api calls person C next
5) Person C does **NOT** pick up (busy or doesn't pick up so answering machine) so then the REST api calls person D
6) Person D **DOES** pick up and twilio **reads the SMS sent by person A and then hangs up**
7) application ends, so person E F G H I J K are not called because one person picked up so **not everyone** had to be called
I am trying to make this in REST api but after hours of trying I have given up...My only question is: is this possible with REST api? if so how?
I have been able to make an app where I sms twilio, twilio calls back with REST api and reads me the SMS but sequential dialling is so different...
I have tried talking to Twilio staff but I have not been able to figure out a way to make the sequential calling work as I don't know what else to do....I have tried using StatusCallback and much more but now I am out of ideas.