I struggle to be able to run PHP client line interface on Cygwin. I receive constantly Segmentation fault
error. But some of functions are correctly done - I cannot say when does it happen.
If somebody had this error, please give me any clue to correctly run PHP CLI under cygwin.
Thanks in advance!
I Receive stackdump, but I don't know if it tells anything:
Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION at eip=603B7AC6
eax=0000000A ebx=FFE42FFF ecx=002853E0 edx=FFE43000 esi=00000000 edi=FFE43000
ebp=002853E2 esp=00285240 program=C:\cygwin\bin\php.exe, pid 10056, thread main
cs=0023 ds=002B es=002B fs=0053 gs=002B ss=002B
Stack trace:
Frame Function Args
002853E2 603B7AC6 (022A018F, 02D40284, 0348030B, 0374034D)
00040002 00F30055 (00340000, 01E00000, 020C0000, 00360000)
Moreover I tried to limit in php.ini
- no effect.
It crashes every time when I work with client line interface. If I run it through Apache2 there is no problem.
How can I debug it effectively?
I run it with php-cgi, where I receive the html output with error description:
ContextErrorException: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in ...
Having this information I guess that there is a problem with input arguments. If I run scripts without arguments from console I don't receive segmentation fault
This is Symfony framework and those scripts run like a charm on windows and ubuntu on console. So I guess: - there is something wrong with PHP settings - there is something wrong with console on Cygwin
Any idea how can I debug it more?