dozr13344 2014-07-02 17:32
浏览 86

在PHP中将EDT转换为GMT + 05.30时区,以便在mysql数据库中输入时间戳

My php web servers timezone is EDT (Eastern Day Light Time (US)). My current timezone is GMT+05.30. I need to enter current timestamp into my mysql database with the timestamp in my current timezone. By the way, I'm using a free php web server for my use. So I will not be having any previleges for modifying the server. Can some one suggest me some way of converting it to my GMT+05.30 from EDT in php using any script.Thanks in advance.

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  • dongqing220586 2014-07-02 17:42

    Have a look at the following example

    $timezone = new DateTimeZone('Europe/Berlin');
    $date = new DateTime('@' . $yourTimestamp, $timezone);
    echo $date->format('c');

    So through the DateTimeZone Object your Time will be formatted by the DateTime object.

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