dtjo51649 2013-08-22 12:02
浏览 34

在Objective C中签名字符串并在PHP中验证 - 不起作用

I am signing a string in ObjectiveC and verifying the generated signature in PHP.

lets say I sign a string "b1be1970fa802f43cdfa382bb3f3a524590b2170" using my privateKey with RSA_sign method (OpenSSL Lib) in ObjectiveC. And I get generated signature

I verify the signature in PHP using PublicKey with openssl_verify method.

Verification Fails

Any idea what might be wrong..

iOS Code:

NSString *handshakeChallengeStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"YjFiZTE5NzBmYTgwMmY0M2NkZmEzODJiYjNmM2E1MjQ1OTBiMjE3MA=="];
NSData *hcData = [NSData dataFromBase64String:handshakeChallengeStr];
const unsigned char *message = (const unsigned char *)[hcData bytes];
unsigned int message_length =strlen((const void *)message); //56

unsigned char *sig = NULL;
unsigned int sig_len = 0;

//Retriving PrivateKey
RSA *privKey = NULL;
EVP_PKEY *PrivateKey;
FILE *priv_key_file;
NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains( NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
NSString *keyFilePath = [[paths objectAtIndex:0]stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"privateKey.pem"];

priv_key_file = fopen([keyFilePath UTF8String], "r");
PrivateKey = PEM_read_PrivateKey(priv_key_file, NULL, NULL, NULL);
privKey = EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA(PrivateKey);

sig = malloc(RSA_size(privKey));

int success = RSA_sign(NID_sha1, message, message_length, sig, &sig_len, privKey);
if(success == 1){
    NSLog(@"Signature Generated!!");

PHP Code:

$private = '-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
-----END PRIVATE KEY-----';

$public='-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----';

$HandshakeStr = base64_decode('YjFiZTE5NzBmYTgwMmY0M2NkZmEzODJiYjNmM2E1MjQ1OTBiMjE3MA==');;

openssl_sign($HandshakeStr, $sig, $private);
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  • dthy81285 2013-08-28 14:28

    PHP openssl_sign computes a signature for the specified data by using SHA1 for hashing (PHP: openssl_sign).

    OpenSSL RSA_sign signs the message digest m of size m_len (OpenSSL: RSA_sign(3))

    When you use the raw OpenSSL functions you have to do the hashing yourself:

        unsigned char message_digest[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH];
        SHA1(message, message_length, message_digest);
        int success = RSA_sign(NID_sha1, message_digest, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH, sig, &sig_len, privKey);

    By the way, use RSA verify - not every signature scheme is deterministic.

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