dourou9477 2018-09-26 09:05
浏览 48


I need to chnage some words inside strings - I must separate string on 2 or more words - or to add space before and after word. For example I have shopifystore - this must be separated into 2 words": shopify and store, so result must be: "shopify store". One more example - I have dogsstore - this must be separated into 2 words": dogs and store, so result must be: "dogs store"

So, I write some function, but results are not so good. My function:

function englishchange($string) {
$latin = array('dogs','dog','stores','store','shops','shop','shopify');
$latinchanged = array(' dogs ',' dog ',' stores ',' store ',' shops ',' shop ',' shopify ');
return str_replace($latin, $latinchanged, $string);
$englishchanged = (englishchange('shopifystore'));

But the resilt from "dogsstore" is: "dog s store" and "shopifystore" going to: "shop ify store". Can anyone help me, please, to rewrite php code to get the right result?

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  • dongqie7806 2018-09-26 09:14

    You can use strtr in its second form to do the replacements. In that mode, it takes an array of replacement pairs and, working from the longest strings downward, having made a replacement, it will not replace that substring again. So you just need to combine your $latin and $latinchanged arrays into an array using array_combine and then call strtr:

    function englishchange($string) {
    $latin = array('dogs','dog','stores','store','shops','shop','shopify');
    $latinchanged = array(' dogs ',' dog ',' stores ',' store ',' shops ',' shop ',' shopify ');
    return strtr($string, array_combine($latin, $latinchanged));
    $englishchanged = (englishchange('dogsstore shopifystore'));
    echo $englishchanged;


     dogs  store   shopify  store 
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