doushe8577 2017-07-28 15:11
浏览 64


I have problem to make one array with key ( class_id ) and in this key a lot of users_ids. I have function where $ids is an simple array with numbers. I'm trying to have sth like this:

array => 
   1 (class_id) =>
     0=> 'user_id'
     1=> 'user_id',
   2 (class_id) =>
     0=> 'user_id'
     1=> 'user_id'

Now I'm returning this ( only just with one user_id where there should be more:

array => 
   1=> 'user_id'
   2=> 'user_id'

static function getUsersIdsByClassIds($ids)
    $userIds = [];

    foreach($ids as $classId) {

        $object = self::select('user_id')
            ->where('class_id', $classId)

        foreach($object as $sth){

    return $userIds;

I cant fix it to do this structure I want.

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  • duan0708676887 2017-07-28 15:17

    in here

    foreach($object as $sth){
       $userIds[$classId] = $sth->user_id;

    you overwrite the value on each iteration. But you actually want to add a new entry:

    foreach($object as $sth){
                    // here it is
       $userIds[$classId][] = $sth->user_id;
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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