dourao1896 2016-01-16 08:18
浏览 211


I have a multidimensional associative JavaScript array with some metabox data and I need to store that array in the WordPress database (in a single column).

And I also want to get that stored array back in the metabox call back function and use the values in the array to populate the relevant fields.

This is what I've done so far...

    var data = [
        { key: 'cardK', val: 13 },
        { key: 'cardQ', val: 12 },
        { key: 'cardAJ', val: 11 },
    var serializedData= JSON.stringify( data );

This outputs a string look like this


Now I can store this in the DB in a single column. But how can I get this back as an array and use it to populate the fields ?

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  • dongshan7060 2016-01-16 08:23

    Save the string as JSON, like this:

    var data = [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]];
    var serializedData = JSON.stringify(data);

    Before you convert make sure you replace any data which has changed in the json to make it valid json before using json_decode().

    use this function:


    To convert it into array on PHP side:

    json_decode(data, true); // returns array
    json_decode(data); // returns an object, not an array.

    When you get the JSON string back from MySQL, you can turn it back into an array with JSON.parse(), like this:

    var returnedArr = JSON.parse(returnedData);
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