dongshao6591 2015-10-25 06:01
浏览 24

使用多个MySQL行和For循环 - 无法正常工作

I have trying to print the top 3 recent posts (rows) from MySQL. I am using a for loop that counts 3 times to prints out 3 DIVS for each post (row). Then I use for each loop to print out the MySQL row. The problem is I am printing out all three rows inside one DIV.

Here is the code:

 <!-- Content Body Container -->
<div class="content-body" class="container-fluid">
  <div id="content-container">

    $result = doSql("SELECT `gamereviews`.`reviewContent` FROM `gamereviews` ORDER BY `gamereviews`.`dateOfReview` DESC LIMIT 3");

      for($i = 1; $i<=3; $i++) {
      <div id="outer-box">
        <div id="postImage-wrapper">
        <div id="postContent-wrapper">
          <h3> This is an Example post </h3>
          <span id="postInfo-wrapper">Author | 22/10/2015 | Xbox | 3 Comments</span><br />
          if($result && mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)>0) {
            foreach($result as $row) {
              echo '<div onclick="alert(\''.$row['reviewContent'].'\');">'.substr($row['reviewContent'], 0, 300).'</div>';
            //  echo $row['reviewContent']. '<br /><br />';

        <div id="postRating-wrapper">


How can I print each MySQL row into each DIV created by for loop? Any ideas?


Here are the results:

As you can see, all the rows are printed in the first DIV. That is, the first time for loop is run, it printed out all the rows inside it. But the SECOND time for loop is run, it doesn't print out anything inside the second div. It SHOULD print out the SECOND row from mysql in the SECOND DIV and FIRST row of mysql in FIRST DIV. And THIRD row of mysql in THIRD DIV

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  • dsgdf45654 2015-10-25 06:27

    If I get your question right you shouldn't be using for in the first place Print three divs with one result in it:

    $counter = 0;
        if($result && mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)>0)
                foreach($result as $row) :
            if($counter >= 3)
            <div id="outer-box">
                <div id="postImage-wrapper">
                <div id="postContent-wrapper">
                    <h3> This is an Example post </h3>
                    <span id="postInfo-wrapper">Author | 22/10/2015 | Xbox | 3 Comments</span><br />
                    echo '<div onclick="alert(\''.$row['reviewContent'].'\');">'.substr($row['reviewContent'], 0, 300).'</div>';
                    //  echo $row['reviewContent']. '<br /><br />';
                <div id="postRating-wrapper">
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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