I download and install the MongoDB-3.0.5 from its official website and then I using the Robomongo for the easy interface and then MongoVUE for the importing and exporting the old Mysql database because it helps a lot in a easy way for importing the old database. I imported my old Database from MongoVUE tool is goes very good.
I am using wampp server for the connectivity of the PHP interface. I am using PHP version 5.5 The driver of PHP which I am using for connection was downloaded form this link.
There are many files on the link. I chose "php_mongo-1.6.8.zip". When I extracted files which are in .dll format I chose "php_mongo-1.6.8-5.5-vc11.dll" and copy to "C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.5.12\ext" this directory and then rename above .dll file to "php_mongo.dll" and open the "php.ini" file in notepad and in the end of all extensions I wrote "extension=php_mongo.dll" after saving I click on "Restart all Services" in wamp portal. After doing all this when i m going to run my PHP file it shows this Fatal error: Class MongoClient not found and then i used the "php_mongo-1.6.8-5.5-vc9.dll" and copied it to above directory and rename it to "php_mongo.dll". but there is still same error.