duan6832168 2015-03-14 10:14
浏览 98

PHP file_put_contents无法打开流,无效参数

Please help! I have tried figuring this out for over an hour What i am trying to do is to get form values via POST, and then put these into a timestamped txt file The error i get is:

Warning: file_put_contents(D:\wamp\www\weboldal\hu\php\en\03-14-15-11:08:48.txt): failed to open stream: Invalid argument in D:\wamp\www\weboldal\hu\php\en\formprocessing2.php on line 18

if ($_POST["type"] == "Type1") {
    print "Type1";
    $filename = date("m-d-y-h:i:s");
    $fullfilename = "D:\\wamp\\www\\weboldal\\hu\\php\\en\\".$filename.".txt";
    print $fullfilename;
    while (file_exists($fullfilename)) {
        print "Please wait a few seconds, server is busy";
    $type = $_POST["type"];
    $name = $_POST["name"];
    $email = $_POST["email"];
    $password = $_POST["password"];
    $contents = $type."r

EDIT: The problem was that windows would not accept colons in the filename, thanks to user @Hobo Sapiens for pointing that out

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  • douyiqi9640 2015-03-14 10:27

    Windows will reject the filename with the timestamp as it is because of the colons. Remove those and you should be fine.

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