dongyi9330 2014-08-28 22:53 采纳率: 100%
浏览 297

PHP Pack警告:pack():参数未使用

I am getting

Warning: pack(): 1 arguments unused in

 $vector = pack("H*",0x77,0x99); 

 $vector = pack("H*","4A","76");  // with quotes also give same warning

but if i use only one value there is no Warning

 $vector = pack("H*",0x77); 

Do anybody know about this warning ?

what value should i pass to pack . is it should be hex?

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  • dsxay48646 2014-08-29 11:07

    You should pass it hexadecimals in a string, like so:

    $vector = pack("H*", "7799");

    If you use 0x77 you already have a numeric value with the value 77h, i.e. the compiler will transform the value from hexadecimals to binary - there is no need to use pack on it.

    If you really want to use the 0x77,0x99 notation, then put the notation in quotes and use the following:

    preg_match_all("/0x([0-9A-F]{2})/i", $hex, $out);
    $data = pack("H*", join($out[1]));
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