duanpo7354 2014-07-03 04:13
浏览 79

在php / codeigniter中加载循环引用类

In CodeIgniter I have a model named User_Model and another one named Product_Model

Now in the User_Model constructor I am loading couple of models that I use in the class.

class User_Model extends CI_Model
  public function __construct()
    //load some more models I need...

While working on products, I need sometimes to be using the user model, so I do:

class Product_Model extends CI_Model
  public function __construct()
    //load some more models I need...

The problem is that since these are in circular reference, I am getting Fatal error: Maximum function nesting level of '100' reached. I am using xdebug and I know that it has settings to remove this. My question is - what is the correct way to handle this without increasing setting limitations. How should I restructure the architecture?

I know that if I am using PHP without codeigniter, and create circular references (class A loads class B, class B loads class A), PHP will load it for N times (I think it is three) and then mark it as *recursive*.

But we are faced with such a situation, what is the best way to refactor?

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  • dp20011 2014-07-03 20:59

    CI 2.2.0 does not allow autoloading model with alias but 3.0-dev does support it. since you have CI 2.2.0 you need to copy a function from 3.0-dev core to your 2.2.0 core.

    Seps :

    1. Get CI 3.0-dev from Github
    2. Open system/core/loader.php of CI 3.0-dev.
    3. Find public function model function.
    4. Replace it in your system/core/loader.php of CI 2.2.0.
    5. Now you can autoload like $autoload['model'] = array('first_model' => 'first');

    Note : This is solution for those who want autoloading model with alias but having CI 2.2.0

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