I'm migrating a web service that was developed in VB.NET to PHP
I explain:
In VB. NET I have a method that compresses a single string with GZIP. ("Hello world!")
The method in the web service returns an array of bytes.
Then the array of bytes is received on a device with android, decompressed and converted to a string, this process works perfect.
the method in VB.NET, is this:
<WebMethod(Description:="GZIP Test")> _
Public Function GZIP() As Byte()
Dim vTest As String = "Hello world!"
Dim vBuffer1() As Byte = StrToByteArray(vTest)
Dim vBuffer2() As Byte = Compress(vBuffer1)
Return vBuffer2
End Function
Private Function StrToByteArray(ByVal str As String) As Byte()
Dim encoding As New System.Text.UTF8Encoding()
Return encoding.GetBytes(str)
End Function
Private Function Compress(ByVal Bits() As Byte) As Byte()
On Error Resume Next
Using ms As New MemoryStream(), zipMem As New GZipStream(ms, CompressionMode.Compress, True)
zipMem.Write(Bits, 0, Bits.Length)
Return ms.ToArray
End Using
End Function
this method returns me the following value:
I want PHP return me the SAME VALUE.
the tests I've done in PHP returns me the following.
function GZIP() {
ob_start ( 'ob_gzhandler' );
return base64_encode(gzdeflate('Hello world!', 9));
the value returned in PHP is:
Why ? There is an example that returns the same ?
Thanks in advance for all.