doufei7516 2012-07-04 16:04
浏览 47


I have the following xml code:

File 1.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <DataSet xmlns="">
  <diffgr:diffgram xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata" xmlns:diffgr="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-diffgram-v1">
    <Pand diffgr:id="Pand1" msdata:rowOrder="0" diffgr:hasChanges="inserted">

How can i read the data between

I had the following php code


    $xml_url = "1.xml";
    $xml = simplexml_load_file($xml_url);

    foreach ($xml as $entry){

       //Use that namespace
       $namespaces = $entry->getNameSpaces(true);
       //Now we don't have the URL hard-coded
       $diffgr = $entry->children($namespaces['diffgr']); 
       echo $diffgr->diffgram->dsAanbod->Pand->PandID;


But that doesn't work.

Can somebody help me to get acces to a node where it is a child of an namespace element.

Kind Regards

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  • douyan2470 2012-07-04 16:49

    Oh, where to begin. This working code might illustrate some of the problems:

        $xml_url = "1.xml";
        $xml = simplexml_load_file($xml_url);
        foreach($xml->children('diffgr',true) as $diffgr){
                $weirdemptynamespace = $diffgr->children('',true);
                echo $weirdemptynamespace->dsAanbod->Pand->PandID;

    To name a few problems:

    1. xmlns="" is NOT the same as no namespace, and, in my opinion, just.... well, weird.
    2. Your foreach was premature (children('diffgr') should be called on the root element (Dataset).
    3. If you are only interested in the namespace-prefix, just set the 2nd argument of children() to true.



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