I am currently buildind a game with a webclient some devices and a REST server giving everyone objects.
Right now, my webclient is written in php with no frameworks, no problems here, rest client works perfectly. I'm using cakephp2 as a REST server, but i'm new to it, documentation is poor, and the ORM is really strange.
I'm still at begenning, and i want to ship some parts soon. The cakephp2 models and ORM are way too light for me.
My REST server is in one folder of my client website (/API). I know apache ca run ruby, but could it run the same way.
examples : currently : my_web_client/API call Cakephp2 on :80. I wish my_web_client/API call a rails on the same port.
Does apache support this ? Can i run my website this way or do i need 2 websites on separate webhosts ?