dou2347 2011-10-26 01:47 采纳率: 0%
浏览 75

使用PHP动态禁用Javascript / CSS的缓存?

I've coded an option called 'devmode' in my web app, which basically means 'no caching'. The app normally outputs an automatically minified (and aggregated) version of the Javascript and CSS, but the devmode option overrides this.

However, we still have the browser cache. So, without further ado, how can I disable caching of ALL components on a page if a certain PHP boolean is true?


Edit: might interest you to know that I'm running Apache, and one idea I had was to force .js and .css to be parsed as PHP (which is straightforward), and somehow 'inject' a little piece of PHP code at the start of each.

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  • douji6896 2011-10-26 01:55

    A "quick and dirty" approach for debugging/developing, you could call all components in your HTML with a random (or time-based) query-string. For instance:

    <img src="logo.png?uniqecall=20111026035500" />

    , which would look like this in your PHP code:

    print '<img src="logo.png?uniqecall=' . date("YmdHis") . '" />';


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