dsvbtgo639708 2015-04-28 16:42 采纳率: 0%
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Twitter API 1.1从PHP获取json以用于Javascript

Essentially what I'm doing is trying to pull in Twitter data for use in Javascript app. I have a php file which is calling the API and retrieving JSON data, but I can't seem to access this data within my javascript file.

I'm trying to use this method.


Then to test it I'm using...


This returns a message that listTweets isn't defined. I've tried removing the callback form the url and declaring it as

var listTweets = $.getJSON("tweets_JSON.php?count=1&callback=listTweets"); 

This seems to access the first object in the array, but then I get an error saying the object property I'm looking for (.id_str) can't be found.

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  • douju3911 2015-04-28 16:47

    Whenever you add a callback parameter, jQuery expects there to be an actual function with that name that is called

    function listTweets(json) {
        // called when ajax call is completed

    If you don't want that, and you're doing a call to your own server, just rename the GET parameter

    $.getJSON("tweets_JSON.php?count=1&cbk=listTweets").done(function(json) {
        // called when ajax call is completed

    Also, console.log(listTweets[0].id_str); does nothing, listTweets would be the name of a function, not some variable you can access later ?

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