I'm new to PHP development and Netbeans use, but I'm struggling to find a way of writing my code more smoothly. Some time ago I've watched some episodes from Uncle's Bob Clean Code video series. He was using IntelliJIDEA and I was thinking that some of the features he was using were available only to that IDE. Yesterday I was watching a Tuts+ video tutorial, and the author was using some Netbeans IDE features which I'll also like to use.
The features I'm talking about are:
- refactoring, by renaming a variable name. I know that I can use rightClick-> Refactor-> Rename, but the author did it without using this approach.
- Create Method if the method was just declared in test file and not defined in the source file. In the video, a contextual menu appears under the method, exactly as in VS or Eclipse. Do I need to use a plugin? Is there a key combination which will allow me to see that contextual menu under my function names?
Don't get me wrong. I did my homework by searching online, but I didn't find the solutions for the problems from above. For example "Create Method" approach appears as a request/bug in Netbeans forums, but the developer from the video was using it.
I found the answer for my first problem. He was using Ctrl+R 2
shortcut. I assume that for the second problem, there has to be a shortcut key combination too, but I can't fins it. More exactly, I don't know what to look for in the Options->Keymap