I have a class which is made of only static methods. I want to register the class so that XSLT engine can use it. As far I am aware XSLTProcessor::registerPHPFunctions()
either registers all class and functions unless first parameter $restrict
is passed and first param only takes method name in string or as array. How to register a whole class to XSLT so that all static method of a class can be accessible from xslt page.

选择性函数寄存器与xslt PHP
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- dongmou5628 2013-06-27 16:33关注
Assuming you have a class named
, you can get an array of all the class methods with code like this:function addClassPrefix($name) { return "Foo::$name"; } $names = array_map("addClassPrefix", get_class_methods("Foo"));
Note the need to add the class name as a prefix in front of each method name.
You can then simply register the whole array like this:
$proc = new XSLTProcessor(); $proc->registerPHPFunctions($names);
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