doubutao6216 2013-03-02 01:05
浏览 40

如何在PHP中进行php WSSoapClient调用 - 示例

Can someone provide me a PHP example of how to make a WSSoapClient call to a wsdl webservice at .

I have looked everywhere for code examples and could not find how to call this. i see that you can extend the SoapClient class but i am lost on how to structure the call itself. thank you so much.


<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" 
xmlns:xsd=""     xmlns:soapenv="" 
<wsse:Security soapenv:mustUnderstand="1" 
 xmlns:wsse="    secext1.0.xsd">
<wsse:Password Type="    token-profile-1.0#PasswordText">
<ser:getVersion soapenv:encodingStyle=""/>
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  • donglue1886 2013-03-02 02:12

    Firstly, you need to initialize a new SoapClient object, passing in the URL to your WSDL file like so:

    $client = new SoapClient("");

    Then you can call service methods like any other object method like so:

    $verificaCuenta = true;
    $result = $client->setVerificaCuenta($verificaCuenta);

    To get a list of all available methods, once you have created your $client object, you can call __getFunctions() like this:

    $client = new SoapClient("");
    $functions = $client->__getFunctions();

    Note: you must have php_soap and php_openssl enabled in your php.ini file for this to work.

    Edit: Seems like the service you are calling requires wsse headers. I'm no expert, but it looks like PHP does not have great support for that kind of thing.

    Found a project on Google Code that appears to make wsse easy with PHP. Link here:

    You can just grab the soap-wsse.php and the xmlseclibs.php files.

    Then include the soap-wsse.php file into your code and extend the soap client like this:

    require "soap-wsse.php";
    class mySoap extends SoapClient {
        function __doRequest($request, $location, $saction, $version) {
            $doc = new DOMDocument('1.0');
            $objWSSE = new WSSESoap($doc);
            $objWSSE->addUserToken("YOUR_USERNAME_HERE", "YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE", TRUE);
            return parent::__doRequest($objWSSE->saveXML(), $location, $saction, $version);

    Then you should be able to talk to the webservice like this:

    $wsdl = '';    
    $sClient = new mySoap($wsdl, array('trace'=>1));
    try {
        $verificaCuenta = true;
        $result = $sClient->setVerificaCuenta($verificaCuenta);
    } catch (SoapFault $fault) {
        print("Fault string: " . $fault->faultstring . "
        print("Fault code: " . $fault->detail->WebServiceException->code . "
    echo $sClient->__getLastRequest() . "
    " . $sClient->__getLastResponse();


    I have not tested any of the above code, hopefully it can put you on the right path.

    Good luck




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