dongshi1914 2010-12-06 11:56
浏览 21


I have following code (php), it will match img-src and replace with new url

$rep = array('/', '+', '(', ')');
$with = array('\/', '\+', '\(', '\)');

$match_pattern = '/<img[^<]*src\s*=\s*\"'.str_replace($rep, $with, $source_url).'\"[^>]*>/iUu';
$img_replace_str = '<img src="'.$new_url.'" />';
$post_content = preg_replace($match_pattern, $img_replace_str, $post_content);

For images that have src as "", there is no issue, but for images that have src that contains query string like "", it's not matching

I want to match images with and without query string.

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  • du77887 2010-12-06 12:02

    You can use PHP's preg_quote()-function instead of str_replace(). It automatically escapes all regular expression special characters (see the docs). That should solve the problem, since your str_replace()-solution did not escape ?, which is a special character in regular expressions:

    $match_pattern = '/<img[^<]*src\s*=\s*\"'.preg_quote($source_url, '/').'\"[^>]*>/iUu';
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