dongyao2022 2014-06-04 16:53
浏览 35


I have two independents querys:

Query 1 (This query get all gallery from my table) :

$showgallerys = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM canais");
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($showgallerys)) {
echo '<div class="canal-nome">'.$row['nome'].'</div>;

Query 2 (This query count numbers of photos per category):

$q="SELECT categoria, COUNT(titulo) FROM galerias GROUP BY categoria ";
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($res)){
 echo '
('. $row['COUNT(titulo)'] .')';

I need to show the name of the gallery (query 1) with the numbers of photos (query 2)

like this Gallery name (30)

This the structure of first table (called canais):

  id | nome            | htd     | imagem   | thumb    |
   1 | Gallery Nature  | nature  | face.jpg | thumb.jg | 
   2 | Gallery Peoples | people  | face.jpg | thumb.jg | 
   3 | Gallery Animals | animal  | face.jpg | thumb.jg | 

This the structure of second table (called galerias)

  id | titulo       | foto    | thumb           | data    | categoria |
  1  | Sun          | sun.jpg | sun-thumb.jpg   | now     | nature    |
  2  | Moon         | mon.jpg | mon-thumb.jpg   | now     | nature    |
  3  | Tree         | tree.jpg| tre-thumb.jpg   | now     | nature    |
  4  | Woman        | wman.jpg| wman-thumb.jpg  | now     | people    |
  5  | Girl         | gran.jpg| gr-thumb.jpg    | now     | people    |
  6  | leaf         | lea.jpg | leaf-thumb.jpg  | now     | nature    |
  7  | dog          | dog.jpg | dog-thumb.jpg   | now     | animal    |

In this case i need show the results like this:

   Gallery name --> Gallery Nature (4) <-- Number of  occurrences 
   Gallery name --> Gallery People (2) <-- Number of  occurrences 
   Gallery name --> Gallery Animal (1) <-- Number of  occurrences 

being the name of the gallery must be obtained through the "canais" table and the number of occurrences must come from the "galerias" table based in the "categoria" column. Can anyone help me to solve it ?

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  • dongya767979565 2014-06-04 16:57

    Below query will help you

    SELECT a.nome AS gallery  ,COUNT(b.titulo)  AS photos 
    FROM canais a INNER JOIN galerias b ON a.htd    = b.categoria 
    GROUP BY a.nome
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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