I have a php script that is insert large result on my mysql dbb. I did jquery script to waiting the end of the php script. But I have a timeout error. Do you have an idea to change the timeout to let the script do his job ?
Thank you
Jquery script :
<script type="text/javascript">
var dataReturn='';
function makeRequest(url){
$.get(url, function(data) {
timeout: timeoutvalue
}).fail(function() {
alert( 'Error occured during requesting the page' );
function makePostRequest(url, params){
$.post(url,params, function(data){
}).fail(function() {
alert( 'Error occured during requesting the page' );
Button to start de script :
<input type="submit" onClick="makeRequest(\'inserttodbb.php?fonction=import_csv\')" value="" style="width:59px; height:17px; background:url(images/button-importstart.png) repeat-x left center;border:0;margin-left:0px; float:center;" />
Php page inserttodbb.php :
if(isset($_GET['fonction']) and $_GET['fonction']=="import_csv_valid")
foreach($data as $numero)
$req=("INSERT INTO contact VALUES('".$idclient."','', '".$numero."','','','','','','','0')");
$doins = mysql_query($req) or die(mysql_error());
echo 'Import OK for '.$count.' number !';
I have not the problem of time out when I load the php page. But when I try to use the ajax loader I have a problem with the message "Error occured during requesting the page". I tryed to put the timeout to 900000 but the problem continue. An idea ?
function makeRequest(url){
type: "GET",
url: url,
timeout: 9000000, //10 seconds, define this value in milliseconds
success: function(data){
error: function() {
alert( 'Error occured during requesting the pagesssssss' );